Art & Sustainability Workshop
Date: 23-24 January 2010
Location: Ptarmigan, Nilsiänkatu 10 (Vallila)
Organisers: Association of Experimental Electronics (FI), Taavet Jansen & Maike Lond (EE)
Max. number of participants: 20
Links: MIM project, Taavet Jansen, Maike Lond, Association of Experimental Electronics In the art and theatre worlds in general, the environmental impact of the use of various technologies is rarely talked about. The workshop will explore ways of using the production of energy as part of making art and performing, for instance engaging the audience to make an effort and being physically part of the energy-creation cycle. The results of the workshop will be presented during Pixelache Festival 2010. The workshop is open to anyone. No specific background is required. The participation is free, possible material costs. For more information: aahonen ((ät))
Location: Ptarmigan, Nilsiänkatu 10 (Vallila)
Organisers: Association of Experimental Electronics (FI), Taavet Jansen & Maike Lond (EE)
Max. number of participants: 20
Links: MIM project, Taavet Jansen, Maike Lond, Association of Experimental Electronics In the art and theatre worlds in general, the environmental impact of the use of various technologies is rarely talked about. The workshop will explore ways of using the production of energy as part of making art and performing, for instance engaging the audience to make an effort and being physically part of the energy-creation cycle. The results of the workshop will be presented during Pixelache Festival 2010. The workshop is open to anyone. No specific background is required. The participation is free, possible material costs. For more information: aahonen ((ät))