Remote TrashLab

Trashlab's classic repair sessions go remote!

Join us in person via zoom or watch through one of our several streaming platforms where you can participate through the chat.

In this online TrashLab session, we will carry out the usual repairing, thinkering, fixing, breaking, up-cycling and reusing of our broken things!

A (semi-) expert team of fixers and avid thinkerers will be at your disposal and ready to help you with your broken stuff, but self-reliance and experimentation is encouraged!

Through peer support, we will work together to give new life to household items and save them from going to the landfill.

All are welcome, from all skill levels and backgrounds.


Normally Trashlab is able to support its community repair sessions with its own stock of tools and repair supplies, however, these might not be things that everyone has so availably in their own homes.

Use what you have. Gather whatever tools you think will be suitable for the job, and failing that we can improvise with what you have around the house!

It can be fabric-based, electronics, mechanical. * No Guarantees * we can fix it with you, but at least we can learn something together along the way.


24th of June 2020
18:00-20:00 (GMT+3)
You can access the Repair Café through


Trashlab explores experimental art-design-technology practice between hacker and maker cultures, in the context of re/up-cycling and the increased availability of new fabrication tools.

Trashlab’s objective is to build up a community of people (artists, designers, hackers, makers, re/up-cyclers, activists) who are concerned with material and electronic waste in contemporary society and tackle this problem with creative and tangential approaches. We follow the aim to encourage a peer-based learning environment related to hacking electronics, repair practices, appropriate technology for renewable energy production/usage, digital fabrication, reusing and re/up-cycling materials.


Pixelache is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Remote TrashLab 1
Time: Jun 24, 2020 06:00 PM Helsinki

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