Please give us feedback!!!!
Dear Pixelache 2010 participants,

Your feedback would be very useful for the future development of the festival.

Please cut and paste these questions to email and send it to feedback2010 ((at))

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Name, country, email (optional):

1. How would you rate your experience of Camp Pixelache in Kerava Art Museum??
(A - excellent, B - good, C - average, D - below average, E - poor, F - I did not participate)

Suggestions for improvements for Camp Pixelache:

2. How much of Pixelache 2010 programme did you follow (approximately)?

(A - 100%, B - 80%, C - 60%, D - 40%, E - 20%, F - 10% or less)

3. How would you rate your experience of Pixelache2010?
(A - excellent, B - good, C - average, D - below average, E - poor)

4. Your professional benefit of Pixelache2010?
(A - excellent, B - good, C - average, D - below average, E - poor)

5. Did you make useful contacts for work / future collaborations?
(D - none, C - 1 or 2, B - a few (3 to 6), A - many)

Pixelache 2010 programme:
6. The three best things in Pixelache 2010 programme?

7. The least interesting things in Pixelache 2010 programme?

Pixelache 2010 practical arrangements:
8. What worked well?

9. What could be improved?

10. Wishlist: what themes and topics would you propose for Pixelache 2011?

11. Other general comments?