Pixelache Helsinki feedback
tiistai 25. maaliskuuta 2008,
Juha Huuskonen
We would very much like to hear your thoughts about Pixelache Helsinki 2008, and your wishes for topics and themes for Pixelache Helsinki 2009!
Please answer this short questionnaire:
(Please send your comments to office {{at}} pixelache.ac )
1. How much of Pixelache 2008 programme did you follow
(A - 100%, B - 80%, C - 60%, D - 40%, E - 20%, F - 10% or less)
2. How would you rate your experience of Pixelache 2008?
(A - excellent, B - good, C - average, D - below average, E - poor)
3. Your professional benefit of Pixelache 2008?
(A - excellent, B - good, C - average, D - below average, E -
4. Did you make useful contacts for work / future collaborations?
(D - none, C - 1 or 2, B - a few (3 to 6), A - many)
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Pixelache 2008 programme:
5. The three best things in Pixelache 2008 programme?
6. The least interesting things in Pixelache 2008
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Pixelache 2008 practical arrangements:
7. What things worked well?
8. What things could be improved?
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Pixelache 2009:
9. Would you be interested in participating or proposing programme
for Pixelache Helsinki 2009?
10. Wishlist: what themes and topics would you propose for
Pixelache 2009?
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10. General thoughts and comments about Pixelache 2008. Was it
different than your expectations? How would you describe your
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