#BioSignals event #6: 30.11.2019! This blog post announces that in the past month it was a supreme pleasure for Pixelache to invite & commission (with full creative freedom) the most excellent Antye Greie aka AGF @poemproducer to make a mixtape of audio samples, interviews, field-recordings of BioSignals 2018 programme, to close the project that was also presented in Pixelache2019 Helsinki Festival. Published two weeks ago, and shared in social media, AGF's mixtape is compiled and composed from audio materials recorded or curated during the BioSignals networked events and field-recordings, and archived on Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/@biosignals
Commissioned by Pixelache producers & association members Andrew Gryf Paterson, @agryfp & Mikko Lipiäinen, @Mikkoli, who had the ambition to make a new work by AGF as a mixtape is to hightlight the potential of making audio archives of both recordings of humans and non-human biosignals available with commons-orientated licenses, so that they can be creatively used and remixed to make new audio works that offer creativity, poetics and discursive insight in non-scientific formats.
BioSignals project is a series of site-specific events that has explored the overlaps of sound art, narrations and nature-based data streams by human and non-human cultural producers involving Pixelache members and other invited guests, that began in Spring 2018.
More info: https://www.pixelache.ac/projects/biosignals
Please share to those who would be interested to hear AGF's audio art work, or those interested in the wider archive.
Thanks to Nordisk Kulturkontakt Art & Culture programme for their support to humans, inkind to non-humans, in the four locations including Helsinki FI/online, Virtsu EE, Liepaja LV, and Berlin DE.