Member activity

I try never to steal anything, but asa white north-european man I just naturally assume everything belongs to me unless stated otherwise.
RT @tom_konxompax: Filmed this on my phone in realtime, not even got things audio reactive yet but it looks pretty cool playing along to mu…
@thehug_ @katjuaro @jjanhone @museoliitto @KirsiKorhonen @eholkeri @KatiKivinen @HAMHelsinki @aaltoes @avarkki Kiit…
RT @jukkapeltokoski: Älä anna #Facebook’ille lupaa automaattiseen kasvojen tunnistukseen. Jos sen annoit, käy perumassa toiminto asetuksist…
RT @theintercept: The accusation that the boy had been used to create “fake news” of a chemical attack was quickly picked up and repeated u…
RT @IndexCensorship: "Fake news" term being increasingly used by dictators around the world to discredit and silence media, writes @carolin…
RT @CREWcrew: Shortly after Trump became president, GOP fundraiser Elliott Broidy pitched a $26 million lobbying plan to get a Russian comp…
RT @coracurrier: Astonishing numbers games from the Border Patrol, who'd have you believe they're under unprecedented attack:…
RT @theintercept: Those of you pictured smiling and laughing with the Saudi crown prince “are being used to legitimize someone who is respo…
RT @th1an1: #Ukraine 22.04: Members of the neo-#Nazi group #C14 in cooperation with local authorities set fire to a makeshift #Roma camp in…
RT @Info_Activism: Why did China take its own propaganda film offline? Netizens point to US tech sanctions
RT @futuryst: If you're interested in experiential futures, design fiction, speculative / critical practices or other design/futures mashup…
RT @IEthics: "According to blogger and activist Alexander Brusentsev, the blocking efforts have also boosted the technical literacy of some…
RT @AINorthAfrica: The arrest, military trial, and outrageous five-year sentence for Hisham Genina represent a shameless attack against fre…
RT @evgenymorozov: Capitalism has won, with much of EU/US left aspiring only to make it work properly (ditching finance, investing more). T…
RT @kapinatyolainen: Perjantaina tuoreen #Kapinatyolainen julkkarit Tampereella! Lehden esittelyä ja myyntiä sekä maljoja klo 20 alkaen Pis…
RT @VarisVerkosto: Äärioikeisto hyökkäsi siirtolaisten istumamielenosoitukseen Kreikan lomasaarella – useita loukkaantui…
RT @PalomaHannonen: Hyvä juttu @yleuutiset : "Metsäteollisuus jämähti bulkkituotannoksi" & "Miksi Kiina rynnii Suomen metsämarkkinoille, ja…
RT @LABlair1492: This is a massive achievement for Gerónimo, and Paraguay's first autonomous indigenous movement. He got far more votes tha…
RT @EricaC_85: “Artificial Intelligence and the Need for Data Fairness in the Global South” by @yaso
RT @TReNDinAfrica: To see more glimpses of ongoing Advanced Open Labware Workshop please visit #openlabware @GOSHCo…
RT @CATALYSTI_RY: Welcome to Ryijy: by the stream - installation by Arlene Tucker at VS gallery, Fiskars from 23.04 till 29.04.2018! Openin…
RT @bioartsociety: Dear members, Winogradsky days is a workshop in two parts with Kira O'Reilly: Sat 5th + 12th of May 13-17h Kuusipalaa Ko…
RT @Rochelle: Sometimes I wonder which tasks we’re doing on Amazon Mechanical Turk today that will end up being a Cambridge Analytica-type…
RT @Dimmu141: Harkimo sanoi #politiikkaradio ssä, että “Liike Nyt ei ole mitään tekemistä markinnaliberalismin kanssa”. Oikeasti? En ole…
RT @SamCowie84: Rio: at order of drug traffickers, businesses closed in two neighbourhoods of city's wealthy and touristic south zone, foll…
RT @Info_Activism: Black Code Studies 101, Part 2
RT @PyImageSearch: How to run #Keras deep learning models on your iPhone and create a real-life @Pokemon Pokedex: #…