Member activity

RT @shawnwzhang: Peking University installs new surveillance cameras to monitor bullitin boards where anonymous #metoo poster was found two…
RT @tereensio: “So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness.”…
RT @Siemenpuu: Good news from the #Mekong: "Thousands of #megawatts of #wind and #solar #energy #contracts in the Mekong region of Southeas…
RT @lars_von_trier: You cannot return if you never leave.
RT @kallekinnunen: Analogia on oikeilla jäljillä mutta se olisi parempi, mikäli koko Suomessa olisi jäljellä enää pari kolme vinyylisoitint…
RT @vesala2: Ympäristoahdistuksen terapiailta #tiedekulma @helsinkiuni yhteiskuntaopin opet kouluissa ei kerro että ilmastonmuutos on fakta…
RT @Info_Activism: It’s not you, it’s your data: Trust, identity and fintech by @mayameme
RT @taiski: Tänään Migrissä kertomassa Kelan palvelumuotoilusta valinnanvapauden hankkeessa #Martta #valinnanvapaus #sote #julkispamut http…
RT @inlandDesign: mariana and suse will give a talk at #hkisdnc18 about how we use #codesign @Maahanmuuttovir. 13:15 room 309. be there or…
RT @robmanuel: Good luck to future historians understanding our culture
RT @Xuxipc: -Buenos día, majestad. -Olay ke ase?
RT @ciminacional: Diversidade! Aproximadamente três mil indígenas de mais de 100 povos participam do 15º Acampamento Terra Livre (ATL), em…
RT @crimethinc: Photo: Houses destroyed by the police at the #ZAD as the French state attempts to destroy a zone of freedom A new blow-by-b…
RT @rankingrights: Thank you to everyone who joined us for the global launch of the 2018 Corporate Accountability Index! ICYMI you can watc…
@Finnair Yritin ensin tavaroiden kadottua soittaa Suomesta Finnairin antamaan numeroon ilman tulosta. Myohemmin sit…
RT @Info_Activism: Protesters greet Amazon's Jeff Bezos in Germany
RT @ARautiainen: Saas nähdä valittaako hesari ja iltapäivälehdet tästä. Rakennusteollisuus julistaa koko alalle työsulun – toteutuessaan py…
RT @Info_Activism: Nvidia's research team has developed a deep learning method to edit and reconstruct images that makes Photoshop seem obs…
RT @SamCowie84: Extreme poverty in São Paulo's metropolitan region grew by 35% in 2017
@Finnair Yritin ensin tavaroiden kadottua soittaa Suomesta Finnairin antamaan numeroon iman tulosta. Myohemmin ulko…
RT @petapixel: Instagram now lets you download all your photos and data:
The installation *Ryijy: by the stream* activates multiple ways of communication, allowing ideas to be connected an…
@Samir_Bhowmik Lecture and Workshop with IC-98 25.4 @Taideyliopisto : The Battery is the Message: The Materialities…
Kokemuksia Suomen Löytötavarapalvelusta? Onko siitä todistettavasti asiakkaalle hyötyä, vai onko pelkkä toisen omai…
RT @techreview: How secure is blockchain really?
Onko Suomen Löytötavarapalvelun puhelin kaytossa? Olen yrittanyt tavoittaa jo kaksi paivaa ilman tulosta. Nain huon…
Taina Martikainen in our service design ambassador training explained how #sote & #valinnanvapaus is taking shape e…
RT @Samir_Bhowmik: My Lecture+Workshop with IC-98 25.4 @Taideyliopisto : The Battery is the Message: The Materialities of Powering New Medi…
RT @kanyewest: you can say anything as long as you put the right emoji next to it.