In the context of the map me if you will programme of Pixelache Helsinki 2011, Christian Nold (UK) has been invited by curator Susanne Jaschko and Pixelache, to realise a new art project in Helsinki during 2011-2012. This new project called Suomenlinna Money Lab takes place on Suomenlinna island.
The Suomenlinna Money Lab project explores the island as a place of social, cultural and economic contact and exchange. The focus is on ‘local money’ as a social medium for people and a localised object that shapes and represents a geographical place. The project runs in an open and participatory context, so anyone is free to join in and help directing the process.
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Christian Nold(UK) has been invited to realise a new art project in Helsinki during 2011-2012. This new project called ‘Suomenlinna Money Lab‘ will take place onSuomenlinnaisland. Christian is visiting Helsinki 7-12 September and will lead two workshops on the island on September 8 & 10.
What if Suomenlinna would have its own currency? Money carries social and cultural value that is more than monetary. What does ‘local’ value mean in the context of the island? Join us for an informal discussion, to share your personal stories, utopian ideas of the island and brainstorm some projects.
Elektronisen taiteen festivaali Pikseliähky on kutsunut britannialaisen taiteilijanChristian Noldintoteuttamaan uuden taideteoksen vuosien 2011-2012 aikana. Christian on valinnut teoksen sijainniksi Suomenlinnan, se tulee olemaan eräänlainen 'työkalupakki' saaren asukkaille ja vierailijoille. Christianin aikaisempia projekteja ovat mm. Amsterdamin lähiössä käyttöön otettu oma valuutta (Biljmer Euro) sekä kaupunkien synnyttämien tunnetilojen kartat (Brentford Biopsy, East Paris Emotion Map, jne). Lisätietoja Christian Noldin aikaisemmista teoksista löytyy
...Christian Nold(UK) has been invited to realise a new art project in Helsinki during 2011-2012. This new project called ‘Suomenlinna Money Lab‘ will take place onSuomenlinnaisland. Christian is visiting Helsinki 7-12 September and will lead two workshops on the island on September 8 & 10.
What if Suomenlinna would have its own currency? Money carries social and cultural value that is more than monetary. What does ‘local’ value mean in the context of the island? Join us for an informal discussion, to share your personal stories, utopian ideas of the island and brainstorm some projects.
A one-day series of interconnected talks and discussions on the cultural and political dimensions of mapping and data collection/visualisation.
Our data flows through ubiquitous networks, data collection points and hovers in nebulous data clouds. It is read and processed by machines rather than by humans. While it might be stored on server farms somewhere beyond our knowledge for decades, it tends to disappear from our personal memory, once it has lost our immediate attention. With every electronic payment, phone call, text message, travel, visit to a website or dentist, we produce digital...