The Open Sourcing Festivals project started out with a set of questions such as how does an organisation open-source their cultural festival? Can we share the process for organising a festival, so that other groups can use it themselves? How do organisations support activities and events throughout the year? Can we share the process for sustaining ongoing programs so that other groups can do this too?
The project's partners explored these questions through a mobile circuit of workshops and seminars organised across Europe in themed learning steps from November 2013 until May 2015. The starting point of Open Sourcing Festivals was in the roles of organisations from the independant cultural networked scene of Europe, in supporting open learning processes.
The project was co-produced by Piksel (NO), Pikslaverk (IS), Mal au Pixel (FR), Access Space Network (UK) and Pixelache (FI), who each hosted one or several of the learning steps, based on their specialism interests.
The main outcomes of the Open Sourcing Festivals project are the co-production by the partners of the Do It Anyway festival 2015 in Sheffield (UK), as well as the creation of this online database of resources and documentation. The test implementation that happened through the organising of Do It Anyway helped refine a DIY Festival Making kit, which is one of the key elements of this resource platform. We have the great joy of releasing it for others to use and build-upon!
The first part of the kit tells the story of Do It Anyway 2015. The second part, the manual kit, identifies all the components involved in organising a festival, abstracting things from the particular, for future festival organisers to use.
All the project's publications can be found from here.
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