In the context of the map me if you will programme of Pixelache Helsinki 2011, Christian Nold (UK) has been invited to realise a new artwork in Helsinki during 2011-2012. This new artwork will be situated on Suomenlinna island and will be a kind of 'toolkit' for the inhabitants and visitors of the island.
Since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 2004, Nold has led many large
Last year Christian realised a project called the Bijlmer Euro (, a local currency designed for unique suburb of Amsterdam.
More information about Christian and his work can be found at
Location: Gallery Augusta
Time: 18:00-19:00
Christian Nold will informally describe the project he is planning for Suomenlinna and host a short mapping workshop that evening. Participants are invited to make their own Emotion Maps of the island by using the Sensory Journeys system. People draw their island experiences onto special paper maps which are then scanned and composited together to form collective maps.
Location: Piirtämö (upstairs from Cafe Chapman)
Time: 15:00-16:00
As part of Camp Pixelache, Christian will give an informal presentation about initial ideas for his upcoming artwork on Suomenlinna. Feedback from audience is very welcome!
Liittyvä sisältö
Elektronisen taiteen festivaali Pikseliähky on kutsunut britannialaisen taiteilijanChristian Noldintoteuttamaan uuden taideteoksen vuosien 2011-2012 aikana. Christian on valinnut teoksen sijainniksi Suomenlinnan, se tulee olemaan eräänlainen 'työkalupakki' saaren asukkaille ja vierailijoille. Christianin aikaisempia projekteja ovat mm. Amsterdamin lähiössä käyttöön otettu oma valuutta (Biljmer Euro) sekä kaupunkien synnyttämien tunnetilojen kartat (Brentford Biopsy, East Paris Emotion Map, jne). Lisätietoja Christian Noldin aikaisemmista teoksista löytyy