Next week is the two day event Hard Rain Goes Aalto: a student organized event addressing the current state of environmental issues globally and locally. Together with artists, researchers, activists and students, we will share proposals and inspire action in the face of the current ecological crisis.
Young people today will be the first generation to have their lives significantly impacted by climate change and the depletion of natural resources. Are we heading inevitably towards hard times? Can we avoid a total disaster and see this as an opportunity to change the way we relate with the environment and build our societies?
Hard Rain goes Aalto will be a student-organized event in which we’ll learn about the state of global environment and share proposals and inspiration for action in the face of ecological crisis. In collaboration with the global Hard Rain Project, students at universities in the UK, Scandinavia and Australia will simultaneously launch similar events to understand the connections, follow the changes and have the right sort of evidence to influence the decision makers who need to be involved for change to happen.
Thursday September 17, seminar at Sampo Hall (Hämeentie 135 C, first floor Helsinki)
Guest speakers include:
Katri-Liisa Pulkkinen- Researcher, Aalto University
Liisa Rohweder- CEO, WWF Finland
Sini Harkki- Programme Manager Greenpeace Nordic
Thursday September 17, opening Exhibition: De-Signed Futures (Node Gallery, Hämeentie 135 C, fifth floor, Helsinki)
Artists include:
Pauliina Leikas
Riikka Keränen
Suvi Ermilä
Pia Grüter
Thomas Heib
Pia Lindman
Niko Nurmi
Emilio Zamudio-Murillo
Friday September 18, Discussion: The Present We Want, The Futures We Are Building(Node Gallery, Hämeentie 135 C, fifth floor, Helsinki)
Guest speakers include:
Paavo Järvensivu
Galina Kallio
Saara Hannulla
Mari Keski-Korsu
More info via the Hard Rain Goes Aalto website or Facebook page.