Art+Communication 09
I attended RIXC's Art+Communication festival on Energy in Riga. The event was centered on an exhibition and a 2

//// One interesting "utopistic" idea brought up in several presentations was that the "revolution of information" based on peer-to-peer models, will help create an "energy internet" and lead to the "energy revolution" in a world where energy is in abundance. The question is perhaps, can this happen soon enough if it can happen?

About Information & Energy:

// Ludger Hovestadt, Vera Bühlmann / Energy in the Metalithicum era

// Michel Bauwens / Peak Energy, Peak Hierarchy, Open Everything

// Julian Priest / Who is Energy?

//// Here are links to a few projects by artists worth checking out:

- Bartaku / PhoEf: The Undisclosed Poésis of the Photovoltaic Effect

- Thomas Traxler / The Idea of a Tree

- Gert Aertsen / A Tribute to Karl L. Nessler

- Erik Sjödin / Stem Sounds and Bush-Scopes

//// The latest “The Yes Men Fix the World” movie by the Yes Men

/// Audiovisual performance: Mortals Electric by Telcosystems/NL
It was indeed quite mortal. Many people were spaced out in the concrete sense of the term after the performance. I am not sure if I liked it or not but this was quite powerful.

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