Member activity

RT @Info_Activism: The Many Faces of Mark Zuckerberg: A Deep Learning Approach (part 1) -
Kaljakellunta elaman vertauskuvana
RT @tutamAW: #Logging continues on land leased under contested or illegal agreements in #PapuaNewGuinea. In early 2018 only 10 of 75 leases…
RT @RebekkaHarkonen: Hiton hyvä kiteytys siitä, mitä journalistin ohjeet eivät edellytä jutuilta. Lähetän tän jatkossa vastaukseksi jokaise…
RT @ylikulju: Syksyisin tulee tosi vähän suoria lähetyksiä siitä, kun tuotantoeläimet palautetaan häkkeihinsä.
RT @Prisoners_ps: Palestinians paint their faces like characters from the movie 'Avatar' today at the seventh week of the #Greatreturnmarch…
RT @Ilmastotieto: Retweeted Jari Kolehmainen (@JariKolehmainen): Navoilta kuuluu kummia: Arktisella alueella ennätyksellisen vähän monivuo…
RT @existentialcoms: One of the main parts of maturing into an adult is learning that you aren't supposed to act like yourself in public. F…
RT @tutamAW: In 1931, anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston interviewed Cudjo Lewis, a survivor of a #slave ship. Amazing first-hand account o…
RT @veikkalahtinen: Tere Sammallahti on nettitrolli, joka vittuilee päivät pitkät ympäri someryhmiä "kansallissosialismikin on sosialismia"…
@Janne6nen Joo, muistan elavasti Fetisovin.
RT @inlandDesign: We're looking for a service designer to join us! Come work with us and spread the word! Etsimme palvelumuotoilija. Tulee…
RT @tommilaitio: 5 oppia, miten palvelumuotoilua voidaan käyttää yleishyödyllisessä toiminnassa ja miksi @mesaatio:n ja @helviestinta:n Maa…
Winogradsky days - workshop part I, organised by @Untitledbodies and the @bioartsociety, this weekend!
@eevabee This is the first of the instalments of our new BioSignals project, many more to come
RT @theintercept: “But, of course, it was bombed. We bombed it and bombed it and bombed it, and bueno, why not?”
RT @Muksunen: @stopkarkoitus @KaiMykkanen @IUPoliisi @SuomenPoliisi @Maahanmuuttovir #Poliisi sanoi @hsfi artikkelissa, että palautuksissa…
RT @witnessorg: .@negrobelchior—and the courageous activists like him in #Brazil, the US, and beyond—know that by building relationships ac…
RT @ForeignPolicy: How might artificial intelligence affect the risk of war? It's not improving the odds.
RT @prisonculture: If you have the time and the interest, I wrote a short op-ed about why I think Ida should have a monument in Chicago. Pl…
RT @pixelache: Despite over decades of research, they remain assemblages of messy chemicals, hazardous, black-boxed and subject to thermal…
RT @schock: Preparing for a speculative transfeminist A.I. design workshop w @CodingRights for #NetGain in Chicago #designjustice https:/…
Despite over decades of research, they remain assemblages of messy chemicals, hazardous, black-boxed and subject to…