Member activity
@ehubbed @bruceecurb ´E a malandragem, Edson Rosa [vereador negro presente na mesa], nada contra, mas a malandragem…
RT @PJRantala: Järjestän antifasistista miekkaria ja saan kaiken sen kanssa, mukaanlukien jutun MV-lehteen ja sen lieveilmiöt. Tällaisien u…
RT @EticasFdn: Big Data is pretty much everywhere these days, and what happens when data are inaccurate, incomplete, outdated...? In other…
RT @isankadesta: miettikää tilannetta että omistaisitte pikavippifirman ja kun niitä ollaan kieltämässä, perustelette tarpeellisuuttanne sa…
RT @daniadmiss: A great interview on “Treebour” by Marija Bozinovska Jones w, collab @r_gealga - a conceptualisation of immaterial labour p…
RT @BarentsNews: Young Sámi artist Sunna Kitti’s works of art are gloomy, but they also express a spirit of hope and community (via @YleSáp…
@JoriEskolin kaunis ilmaisu tuo ´palautettiin saattaen´
@JariJskelinen puoluetoveri koijannut vai hakkarainen tietoisesti mukana saunagatessa?
RT @JariJskelinen: Helkutin hyvä!
RT @adamjohnsonNYC: making veiled threats of terror attacks is a popular Saudi response to having arm deals threatened. From 2008:
RT @STTuutiset: Poliisi kertoo STT:lle epäilevänsä työsyrjintää toisenkin Aamulehden päätoimittajakandidaatin kohdalla. Jo aiemmin on epäil…
RT @luciocaramori: Você é mulher e não sabe em quem votar nas próximas eleições (ou conhece alguém assim)? Então deixa eu contar PORQUE BOL…
RT @ARautiainen: Berkeley police under fire for publishing anti-fascist activists' names and photos
RT @LSPgalore: Mitäs ne on aina sanoneet, että "lainkuuliaisella ihmisellä ei ole mitään pelättävää" tjsp.
Poliisi siis rikkoo lakeja amma…
RT @antroblogi: #Israel'in sorretuista arabivähemmistöistä heikoimmassa asemassa ovat Negevin aavikolla asuvat beduiinit. Heidän harjoittam…
Tom Whitwell on Turing Machine and how to design your first eurorack module - CDM Create Digital Music via @cdmblogs
RT @CuriousZelda: Suddenly it hit me.
This was the wrong wall.
”Parituhatta kilometriä kun mennään tästä itään, niin siellä on kaupunki nimeltä Asbest, mistä löytyvät maailman su…
AI based app which is able to transform a hand drawn UI to sketch and working code
RT @DLBiller: 👇👇Marina Silva, afro descendant #Brazil presidential candidate, says racism and extremism a dangerous combo, responding to Bo…
RT @nerdjpg: What if you told a dog to sit and it did this
@villeh00 Pitais varmaan vaantaa taustat tahan
RT @kengarex: High speed laser engraving.
RT @theintercept: For parents deported without their children, the lack of information from the U.S. government is excruciating https://t.c…
RT @bruceecurb: Brazil inherited its laziness from its indigenous peoples and its deceit from its African immigrants, according to General…
RT @nathanwpyle: I have drawn the world’s worst pun
@TTToivanen `We need to answer a question that we barely even know how to ask: what will we do with ourselves as a…
RT @TTToivanen: 'The apocalyptic tone of heatwave-reporting doesn’t go far enough. Not when the issue is human extinction'…
RT @walkermag: Destruction of his studio is only part of the story, says Ai Weiwei (@aiww): authorities are also razing migrant housing in…
RT @bopanc: Useful reminder that democracy as we know it is very young, very scarce, fragile and in retreat.