Member activity

RT @asiakkuus: UKssa joka 10s tehnyt vaatteiden onlineosto+palautuksia yhden some-kuvan takia! * syynä erit. Instan #OOTD (outfit of the da…
RT @mmesquitaleal: Have you ever wondered how advertisers target you on Facebook? And how to clean up the categories they use in their targ…
RT @xychelsea: the kids are alright 😌🌈💕 #SilentSam
RT @rousseau_ist: This is a significant reason why I’m attending @BylineFest Facts and truth matter if there’s any hope of changing thing…
RT @yuliagorbunova_: Today is 100th day of Oleg Sentsov's hunger strike. His relatives say his condition is critical. Oleg went on hunger…
RT @vhautaka: Facebook ruokkii ja levittää rasismia algoritmeillaan, koska rasistinen paska "sitouttaa" käyttäjiä. Samaa tapahtuu muunkin s…
@TJoke Kirjan sisalto tullee koostumaan naista nimiehdotuksista.
RT @designmattersdk: Dear Participants! Share your design story at #designmatters18! This year, we have dedicated a spot in the program to…
RT @h0t_p0ppy: A dolphin pool is rich with bacteria or so full of chemicals the animal can go blind. Would you put…
Design principles @gds: start with user needs; do less; design with data; do the hard work to make it simple; itera…
RT @NikoHat: @oskarionninen @anukoivunen @MoilanenAnne Laskin nopeasti vihervasemmisto-sanan käytön hesarissa. Eka käyttökonteksti Halla-ah…
RT @tomphillipsin: Some more faces & stories from the Ecuador/Colombia border. This is Lisbeth Mendoza, 48, who suffers from lupus & fled V…
RT @SalakanJanne: Keskustan mukaan vihervassarit ovat pilanneet tämän maan. Kaikki sellaiset vihervassarit kuten Anneli Jäätteenmäki (kesk…
RT @TraciInFinland: #Climate extremes and #agriculture: The photo is Denmark in July 2017 vs. Denmark July 2018. How should policy respon…
RT @OddemocracyA: Batteries already delivering LOWER power costs with reduced environmental impacts. Further highl…
RT @VarisVerkosto: 188-Kukkavirta mielenosoituksen Turussa 18.8.2018 järjestäneen Kansallismielisten liittouman tiedottaja Terhi Kiemunki o…
RT @EUvsDisinfo: A new study shows that references in Russian media to a select group of conspiracy theories are on average six to nine tim…
RT @_Saeen_: What is it with these "dark web intellectuals" selling brain supplements?
RT @1981annozero: Rio de Janeiro - 13 dead in military operation in favelas. People arrested for being part of Whatsapp neighborhood safety…
RT @TimoHarakka: Omien sanojensa mukaan "avoimesti ja aktiivisesti" tiedottava Mehiläinen ei ole kerennyt vielä kertoa jo 27.6. saamastaan…
RT @ARautiainen: Vielä pari pointtia #turkuilmannatseja-päivästä: 1. PVL karisti kukkienlaskutapahtuman jälkeen poliisit helposti kannoilt…
RT @furtherfield: Reposting bprojectlondon:⠀ ...⠀ "@furtherfield hosted a workshop on social media empowerment for women. @charlottefrost l…
RT @350: “Historic day of the resistance of indigenous peoples in defense of collective rights.” Court rules that Chevron must pay for envi…