Member activity

RT @GretaThunberg: The thought of us giving up on the 1.5 or well below 2°C-targets of the Paris Agreement - without people even knowing wh…
Future of humanity.../ no, thats the Gesundheit II machine, which sucks up all your exhaled breath,everything in it…
RT @Sisaministerio: Sisäministeriössä on käynnistetty ilmiöpohjaista työskentelyä osana #sisäinenturvallisuus strategian toimeenpanoa. Yksi…
Looking forward to presenting at the @rixcriga festival "ECODATA" I'm taking part in Friday's Session: BioSensing…
RT @Sisaministerio: #Palvelumuotoilu voi rikastuttaa työskentelytapoja ja vuorovaikutusta. Työryhmä kutsui 90 asiantuntijaa ideoimaan, mite…
@PYurnan13 crea objetos críticos y especulaciones para investigar contradicciones humanas y las relaciones con lo t…
RT @HulkMi: Ilmiölähtöisellä työskentelytavalla @AnnaRundgren ja @Salgado työstivät yli 90 asiantuntijan kanssa tapoja ilman #oleskelulupa…
RT @triofrancos: I'm looking for research on commodity frontiers and technological innovation. I'm specifically interested in examples of (…
Kutsuimme 90 asiantuntijaa ideoimaan: Miten vaikuttaa niiden tilanteeseen, jotka jäävät Suomeen ilman oleskelulupaa…
Instead of increasing & improving Climate management with the help of AI, would it be better to let go? This is a p…
RT @DigitalLabUDP: Revive la conversación "Código C: III encuentro de buenas prácticas” moderada por @virbrussa, donde participó @cgainza,…
RT @cynthialawson: Fue un verdadero placer hablar con Mariana para su podcast @disenoydiaspora! Sigan el enlace para escuchar un poco sob…
Architecture is violent. But this terror should not paralyse you: there are ways for architecture to turn revolutio…
RT @francesca_bria: The Rare Metals War is on. Powering our digital lives and green technologies are some of the Earth’s most precious meta…
RT @maria_axente: Awful AI is an excellent repository of use cases should not exist in the first place. Collecting those scary usages of AI…
October 06, 2020 at 11:34AM Writing with VS Code. Someone might find this article interesting!
RT @franakviacorka: Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s Presidential speech near Brandenburg gate in Berlin
RT @franakviacorka: Outstanding performance by Belarusian photographer Gleb Burnashev. "We'll turn you into a human being. Belarus 2020".…
Food for thought. 1 year anniversary reflections on my experience using Patreon for paying bills & mutual aid suppo…
Green energy dreams that only depend on renewables empowers mining responsible for biodiversity loss, exploitation…
RT @Samir_Bhowmik: Check out this new #Openaccess journal Commodity Frontiers with its issue No 1 (2020): Mineral Frontiers / all about ext…
RT @Samir_Bhowmik: Wanted to share my new Film project ”Where from Here” w/ artist Lenore Malen shot during the tumultous months of May-Jun…
RT @EnvMediaLab: Another one of Heliotrope's firsts: Mél Hogan asks, "What happens when users become marketable from the inside, on the lev…
RT @ArsElectronica: [AI LAB] Apply now! The @SETIInstitute and the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab invite you to a residency in which…
RT @shannonmattern: Such amazing new work from @TheCreaturesLab - here, a soon-to-be-published project on "new extractivism"…
RT @ZaneGTCooper: We are proud to finally unveil the new virtual home for our multimodal #cryptocurrency exhibit, as part of the #AoIR2020…
New post: Technosymbiosis of media, performance and plastics by Mirya Nezvitskaya - examining Performance Art to co…