Member activity

RT @joannachiu: "I am LGBT" hashtag reportedly blocked on Weibo, as Chinese activists report growing pressure on #LGBT advocacy. https://t.…
RT @GreyCrossStudio: Trump Bombs Syria While Still Fighting to Keep Out Thousands of Refugees…
Hyvä etätapaaminen tänään nuorten Porto Segurossa toimivien solidaarisuustalousaktivistien kanssa. Luovaa ensi viik…
RT @carlsafina: @Revkin @AdamFrank4 @ClimateOfGavin All civilizations preceding us were advanced; unless one thinks killing the planet is a…
RT @pixelache: Ferment Lab was busy and active last year, but in Strasbourg! And now we will make reflections and a celebratory swap evenin…
RT @EFF: Congress needs to get this right. Balancing our right to privacy with our rights to communicate and innovate may be hard, but it’s…
Ferment Lab was busy and active last year, but in Strasbourg! And now we will make reflections and a celebratory sw…
Lähirohtola etsii Kasvilähettiläitä Kaarlelaan! Kanneltalossa infopiste 23.4. klo 17-19, pistäydy kuulemaan lisää :…
@ZAD_NDDL @poemproducer Love and solidarity from here to you! It was such a disappoinment to hear the latest news!
RT @kallekinnunen: Hyvästi, Miloš Forman. Blogasin:
RT @VarisVerkosto: Ylen toimittaja soluttautui Ravintola Kaisaniemen natsitapaamiseen. Mitä todella tapahtui ravintola Kaisaniemen seinie…
Are big scale Indigenous Games any different than other big sports events regarding their social impact? I got feed…
RT @Info_Activism: EU's top court asked to probe Facebook U.S. data transfers
RT @Sosiaalifoorum1: Tasan viikko Sosiaalifoorumiin! Avajaistilaisuudessa oman näkökulmansa kansalaistoimintaan antavat mm. #oikeuselää -li…
RT @ARautiainen: Kela rajoittaa toimeentulotukea saavien lääkkeitä, apulaisoikeusasiamies sanoo – ”Valtaosa saa tarvitsemansa lääkkeet maks…
RT @Info_Activism: Google loses 'right to be forgotten' case
RT @UN4Indigenous: Next week, over 1,000 reps of indigenous peoples, states and others will gather @UN to discuss how countries can effecti…
RT @nytimes: Breaking News: President Trump has ordered strikes against Syria as punishment for a suspected chemical attack near Damascus h…
RT @CNN: BREAKING: President Trump orders US forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with chemical weapons in Syria https:…
Our BioSignals programme will kick off in May. Stay tuned.
RT @business: Trump pardons Cheney aide Scooter Libby for lying in CIA probe
RT @natashanyt: It's been hard to get consumers interested in privacy because the harms were difficult to understand writes, @nelliebowles.…
RT @maxseddon: Russia has banned @telegram for refusing to turn over encrypted messages to the FSB. But don't worry, the communications min…
RT @daphnegastaldi: French police accused of falsifying migrant children's birth dates
Bahian indigenous artist Arissana Pataxó's works finally on display in as an extended part…
RT @TheOnion: "It just goes to show, the American dream can be achieved by anyone with grit, determination, a large sum of money wired to a…
RT @VarisVerkosto: Vaikka Suomessa ei toimi Generation Identity -ryhmää, niin ideologisesti ryhmä on hyvin lähellä viikko sitten Helsingiss…