Member activity

RT @NBCNews: Home DNA test results from the 5 million customers of 23andMe will now be used by drug giant GlaxoSmithKline to design new dru…
RT @flexlibris: this test of Amazon's Facial Rekognition technology reveals what privacy activists have been saying for a while: these tech…
RT @Mariengracia: Estaremos hablando de los desafíos que tienen Venezuela en materia de políticas públicas de internet y su impacto en los…
RT @Cecillia: How can journalists explain Brazil to a foreign audience? "A former military officer is running for president & courting pote…
RT @Info_Activism: Mozilla engineer says Google slowed YouTube down on non-Chrome browsers A redesign allegedly made the video site more de…
RT @Nesient: Your DNA is now being monetised by one of the biggest companies in the world. No matter if it was in terms & conditions, was t…
RT @Dimmu141: Mäntsälän PS sihteeri myöntää, että Persjuen tarkoitus ei ole kotiutuminen. PSssä löytyy ihmisiä jotka ovat rehellisiä minkäl…
Tuhoisten maastopalojen ja hukkuvien pakolaisten taustalla on sama syy: planeetan rajat ylitetty
RT @jmkorhonen: Paikallisilla asukkailla pitäisi olla ihan realistinen mahdollisuus sulkea kaivokset ja muut heidän elinympäristöään vahing…
RT @accessnow: #FoE: People should not be prosecuted for exercising their rights online. With the upcoming trial of Vietnamese blogger and…
RT @klementiini: Onnea kaikille joiden DNA-data myytiin juuri GlaxoSmithKlinelle
RT @Nesient: Tell @Microsoft and other tech companies: stop helping ICE and CBP carry out their violent anti-immigrant agenda #AbolishICE #…
RT @ajplus: This student stopped an Afghan man from being deported – all by standing up.
RT @QGotNoRings: Batman: I must save this city. Alfred: Well you're a billionaire so maybe redistr- Batman: This bat suit is the only wa…
RT @MinkkinenMinna: Sinä tarjosit salmiakkia, minä sanoin, ei kiitos, siinä on liivatetta ja mä oon vegaani. #takki Saanko tulla @toivoha…
RT @wef: Lagos, Nigeria will have 88.3 million people. Learn more about Africa's growing population:…
RT @biret: BBC: UK heatwave exposes ancient Chatsworth House gardens
RT @rankingrights: news highlights: more network shutdowns ordered in India, Brazilian president urged to sign data protection bill, Israel…
RT @mustapipa: Aikuisikäni olen tiennyt ilmastonmuutoksen olevan uhka ihmiskunnalle mutta ainutkaan hallitus sinä aikana ei ole suhtautunut…
Is OCAD the only university including art field´s perspective in futures studies?
RT @kcrwberlin: #KCRWBerlinTechSciThurs: In 2017, #Stanford University researchers published a paper on a #facialrecognition algorithm that…
RT @Dimmu141: Entinen MVlehden päätoimittaja Janitskin kirjoittaa omia näkökulmia Suomesta. Hän ei ole törmännyt "uhkavin islamisteihin". K…
RT @glcarlstrom: A Jerusalem Post cartoonist drew a smart, biting caricature of Israel's new "nation-state law." The newspaper fired him. h…
RT @julian0liver: ~700M people (more than 2x US pop) are expected to be displaced by land degradation if we continue "business as usual". 5…
RT @wmmna: "What really needs to happen is better training of journalists and more integrity,” Lipton says when asked about the inadequate…
RT @goldkorn: The mother of all threads on how academics should respond to the concentration camps and other abuses being perpetrated in Xi…
RT @accessnow: #Vietnam: It’s been a year now since Vietnamese blogger and community organizer Le Dinh Luong was arrested for exercising hi…