Member activity
RT @Hayohe: For each optional technology, ask yourself:
"Does this technology directly support something that I deeply value? This is the…
RT @incognitosum:
RT @balthusknot: Sampo Terho suksimassa vittuun politiikasta (2019, gambina pöytäliinalla)
Tää on kyllä hassu.
T Bone Burnett Wants to Make Music to Heal Shrinking Attention Spans
RT @VarisVerkosto: Antifasistinen toiminta ei ala eikä lopu vaaleihin. Ulkoparlamentaarisella fasistiliikkeellä menee Suomessa huonommin ku…
Kokoomus melkonen teflon. Se on onnistunut profiloitumaan peruskonservatiiviseksi turvalliseksi valinnaksi.
RT @O_Tiainen: Ennakkoäänten perusteella näyttää siltä, että isoin nousu vahvimmilta ilmastotoimijoilta ja isoin lasku ilmastohidastelijoil…
@AMNH A prestigious memory institution offering a platform for celebrating a historical revisionist comparable to h…
RT @AMNH: The external, private event at which the current President of Brazil is to be honored was booked at the Museum before the honoree…
RT @PikkaraisSane: Kokoomuksen niskassa ei hallitusvastuu paina taaskaan. #vaalit2019
RT @SiniErajaa: Yesterday #LULUCF experts concluded that 🇫🇮 plans to account for emissions from forest logging were not done correctly. 🇫🇮…
RT @jbarbassa: And now for the real question of the week: what happened to Julian Assange’s cat?
RT @alfonslopeztena: The mob-boss presidency — Trump offered a pardon as a bribe to get a public official to commit an unlawful act.
RT @bopanc: The future is made in China and here one tiny glimpse:
@fcoveram @federicovaz necesitamos acá tu opinión!
RT @joeduardoaraujo: Museu de História Natural não lançará tapete vermelho para Bolsonaro!
"The American Museum of Natural History is pushi…
RT @JessikkaAro: Odotan sitä päivää, kun Venäjä alkaa tukea kansainvälisiä ihmisoikeusjärjestöjä ja palauttaa Amnestyn toimintavapauden Mos…
RT @yaso: Reading about chat protocols like
RT @MidiaNINJA: Nessa semana, Bolsonaro assinou um decreto que pretende acabar com conselhos e comissões do sistema de participação social…
RT @ToniBulhoes: O Brasil de Olavo e Bolsonaro é assim, ataca Paulo Freire, idolatra a ditadura e a tortura, perdoa o Holocausto.
O escorpi…
RT @BRRN_Fed: If climate change turns society into Mad Max, that’s okay for the rich and powerful because they will have their own private…
RT @ivamcabral: "Comunista é o pseudônimo que os conservadores, os conformistas e os saudosistas do fascismo inventaram para designar simpl…
On Time Out of Time by William Basinski #NowPlaying
RT @Kbralima: @folha Se você tem assinatura leia, se você acha que é fake news confira, se você é ambientalista revolte-se, se você é madei…
RT @Jairbolsonano: @folha Árvore Boa é Árvore Morta
RT @mikkoaarne: Osta Vihan ja inhon internet, ohjaamme tuotot Johanna Vehkoon tukemiseen. Kirja on myös hyvä tietopaketti siitä, kuinka Jun…
RT @incognitosum: "Sometimes we commit atrocities not out of a failure of empathy but rather as a direct consequence of successful, even ov…
RT @andraydomise: There aren't enough Brigitte Nielsens letting out enough bemused chuckles on the entire internet for this take https://t.…