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The Hidden Funk Of The HP Word Generator 8006A via @YouTube
RT @Turkukaupunki: Turku tarjoaa avoimena datana 3D-kaupunkimalliaineistoa, joka kattaa rakennukset koko Turun kaupungin alueelta sekä lase…
@apaatti @julmaria_ Nyt joku joukkorahotus jo vetämään!
RT @tereensio: Extinction Rebellion arrests pass 1,000 on eighth day of protests
RT @Juho_p: Tänään työnsä aloittaneiden kansanedustajian on syytä huomioida alkuperäiskansat politiikassaan ja kuunneltava heitä. Sama kosk…
RT @MariPantsar: Luonnon monimuotoisuuden häviäminen yhtä suuri uhka kuin ilmastonmuutos. Kun lisätään listalle luonnonvarojen ylikäyttö,…
RT @BMatB: When travelling for work - it's so much 'fun' when people send you >2 mb emails
RT @KallioJuuso: Kansanedustaja ⁦@VirtaSofia⁩ vastaa hyvin toimittajille. Miehille vastaavia kyselyjä perheen arkeen liittyen tulee vähemmä…
RT @BrazilBrian: The battle between "olavistas" and Hamilton Mourão in Bolsonaro's government is not just a Twitter food fight. It's abou…
RT @beckyfh: Recalling a worse loss to fire than Notre Dame: remember the destruction of Brazil’s National Museum? Catch up with the curato…
RT @BRRN_Fed: #PSA Are your kids texting about #AnarchoCommunism? Know the signs.
RT @CuriousZelda: If you're feeling lonely Or if you're feeling sad I'll be your one and only And then I'll do a bad…
RT @JoanieLemercier: The Hambach forest in Germany is 12,000-year-old. It's being cut for coal extraction. Only 10% remains today. https://…
RT @PetraLaiti: Tenon kalastusoikeudenkäynnin voittanut saamelainen Anne Nuorgam on valittu YK:n alkuperäiskansojen pysyvän foorumin puheen…
RT @Juho_p: Nainen kertoo internetissä saamastaan paskasta. Mies internetissä: *uliuli prööt*
RT @simongerman600: A keen amateur scientist tested four ways of cooling down coffee. Blowing works best but you probably don't have the lu…
RT @ManuelaDavila: Marielle foi executada há mais de 400 dias _em um crime sem respostas _e ainda incomoda. Revoltante a atitude da Guarda…
This one has drama, but it doesn't really illustrate the amount of cumulative emissions and their relationship to g…
I, for one, welcome our new datametal overlords.
RT @womensart1: Norwegian photographer, suffragist, lesbian, Marie Høeg (1866-1949) made early 20thc photography which challenged ideas of…
RT @rahmstorf: The economy of these countries is already suffering from climate change.
RT @Ana_Rios: genocídio - nos matam por terra desde 1500 “o esposo da educadora, é cacique na aldeia Paiter Suruí e acredita que o ato foi…
RT @domphillips: Things getting very ugly in worsening political dispute between Bolsonaro's son Carlos, who controls his social media, and…
@Greenpeace O governo Bolsonaro quer deixar as indústrias invasoras e coloniais destruir os povos e o meio ambien…
“The Problem With Music” by Steve Albini | The Music Producers Guild
RT @dansesurlamerde: "A ideia de identidade indígena no singular é profundamente colonialista e colonizadora, cujo objetivo histórico contr…
RT @burgerdrome: If we forgive student loan debt, what next? We forgive medical debt?? We outlaw punitive interest rates??? We reorganise o…
@radicalanthro Are you by any chance publishing that talk as a video?