Member activity
@disenoydiaspora Acá tienen su contacto, si tienen ganas de saber más sobre su trabajo @Dantas25Dantas y @DeaUsp
Acá tienen su contacto, si tienen ganas de saber más sobre su trabajo @Dantas25Dantas y @DeaUsp
RT @jathansadowski: Nature is healing
Denise Dantas propone entender los miedos de las personas para diseñar para ellas. @disenoydiaspora en una charla s…
RT @frankieboyle: Nobody in this crowd has four more years
RT @pmmcc: For media/cmn theory & mediatization nerds, Communication Theory just published this article I co-wrote w/ Sigrid Kannengießer o…
@pmmcc Look forward to reading. But Paywall. A pre-print #openaccess version would be useful for my students. Such as @MediArxiv .
The data scientist exposing US white supremacists: 'This is how you fight Nazis'
El podcast de un querido colega! No se lo pierdan! #ux #uxdesign
@sbustelo @mordecki Felicitaciones! y al 5to episodio te espero en @podsdiseno
RT @jessphoenix2018: The fact that we instantly second-guess news of the President falling ill with a deadly virus is testament to how much…
RT @SocietyandSpace: "'Bunker: Building for the End Times' (Garrett 2020) is the gripping story of Bradley Garrett’s encounters with contem…
RT @SabineRoeser: New round of Delft Techology Fellowship for excellent female academic researchers in all fields represented @tudelft ie n…
RT @solveigsuess: The online screening of ‘Making of Earths’ is footnoted w/ references & accounts taken during our documentary-led researc…
October 02, 2020 at 12:04PM Driver dies. Someone might find this article interesting!
*Starting today*
RT @Voima_lehti: Tänään Helsingin Kaapelitehtaalla alkanut yli neljänkymmenen monikulttuurisen taiteilijan 2084: -näyttely pohtii vallan ol…
Trump Tests Positive for the Coronavirus
Getting excited by a journal about global commodity production and circulation shows how far you have come from jus…
RT @katausten: #Microplastics are ubiquitous, and irrevocably spread through the environment. How do they interact with #trees in #forests?…
Check out this new #Openaccess journal Commodity Frontiers with its issue No 1 (2020): Mineral Frontiers / all abou…
Cfp: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021 | Art Machines 2 @CityUHongKong with keynotes by …
RT @Berlin_Art_Link: Ending in just a few days, @ArtLaboratoryB's exhibition and symposium ‘The Camille Diaries’ explores the intersection…
It is crazy to see how already different parts of your brain right now are characterized by a variety of proprietar…
Grab your free ’fashion’ masks @AaltoARTS , and flatten the 2nd Covid ’aalto’ (wave in Finnish), Made in China of c…
Cooperar es mejor que competir dice Agustina Silombra @elmaizalcoop @disenoydiaspora y por eso hoy escuchamos a dis…
RT @kalladomcdowell: My book Pharmako-AI, written with GPT-3, is available for preorder now at @IgnotaBooks
"The first book to be co-crea…
RT @nodeforum: At #NODE20, the festival audience will get to decide how we transition into a sustainable future—or if. Norn Lab researchers…
RT @shannonmattern: CFP: "Deep City: Climate Crisis, Democracy and the Digital," March 24-27, 2021, an imaginatively conceived conference d…
@jhapik @UruzRadio @GonCuriel @Tere @BytePodcast habría que hacer unos minutos de silencio para festejar! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🔥🔥