Member activity : Ville Hyvönen

kyse on ”sotatieteellisestä jutusta”. ”Mulle on se kerrottu, että on sellaisia hyppykavereita”, Niinistö sanoi.
Lontoon joukkoliikenteeseen voi nousta piippaamalla millä vain lähimaksupankkikortilla. mind-blowing!
Cash rules everything around me, C.R.E.A.M. ... Get the money, dollar dollar bill, y'all.
Lily - The Drone Company That Fell to Earth | Backchannel via @backchnnl
RT @mashable: 'Rick and Morty' co-creator Dan Harmon delivers raw account and apology for sexual harassment
Werner Herzog career interview: "You have to brace yourself for the bozos"
RT @cdmblogs: Breaking: Buchla has new ownership, brings back two major engineers - and a synh story ontinues. @bem…
The Strange Brands in Your Instagram Feed A new breed of online retailer doesn’t make or even touch products, but t…
Temple de la Sybille - Location from Gaspar Noé’s film “Love” where main couple meets for the first time.
Who did I lend my Digitech Studio 400 -rack effect processor about 6 to 10 years ago? bring it back please.
Gaspar Noé's "Enter the Void" is quite a good movie, but the most amazing thing to me is how he was able to get it…
@arnkil Olen tehnyt linjauksen että tuotan vain valtavasti teksti ja AV -massaa ja Suuri Tekoäly saa sitten aikanaa…
Sain juuri syntetisoitua ainutlaatuisen dopamiinilajikeen joka syntyy mielihyvästä Juha Hurmeen aivoissa hänen kuunnellessaan Bob Dylania.
Ravinnontuotantoon kykenemätön monialaspecialisti
throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Also, like, totally science.
David Bowie & Gail Ann Dorsey Under Pressure
I try to avoid calls and IM's rest of janury. email me please.
RT @guardian: Buy a cat, stay up late, don't drink: top 10 writers’ tips on writing
RT @mikko: So...that's a drone jammer. In Taksim Square in Istanbul.
Tämä on kans mielenkiintoinen kysymys tiukoille libertaristeille, koska ilman kontrollia urpot röökais kaikkialla j…
Jani Kaaron kolumni: Massahysteriat tulivat takaisin