Member activity : Samir Bhowmik
Programming Earth from above: interesting selection of satellite-imagery driven research projects, from crops, fore…
RT @ViktorPaal: Proudly announcing new @helsinkiuni Environmental Humanities Studies Modules I. / II." (15/15 ECTS) which provide an intro…
RT @shannonmattern: "A book full of boxes. A box in itself. An unboxing. This book explores boxes in their broadest sense and size. It invi…
The tree is such a dynamic archive besides polar or glacier ice-cores/ Here is an old documentary about Dendrochron…
RT @biret: This is what 37,200 signatures in a petition looks like! NNF: The signatories are calling on the government to stop giving licen…
@ZaneGTCooper Here is a dated but still relevant critique about the blackbox of CO2, sustainability in general by D…
RT @alexretaylor: For anyone interested how organisations can conceal IT emissions by moving into the cloud I would greatly recommend @davi…
@ZaneGTCooper Wonder if there are any writings on this? (From media POV), if not...(punching keys)
Shouldnt Dendrochronology be part of #mediastudies ? The study of geological data present in the age rings of trees…
Excellent field of emerging research—-> Disconnectivity! Submit below. #mediastudies #CloudComputing
RT @DiscardStudies: CFP: Discard Studies Twitter Conference!
The potential of art to elicit emotions...especially if the creative process reaches outside of human experience, s…
RT @KoneenSaatio: Our 2020 funding call for research and the arts will open tomorrow. Any questions or concerns? We are here for you! Durin…
Today,Finland has launched a #COVID19 tracing app #Koronavilkku comes with many assumptions- Do users have a smartp…
RT @e_flux: Call for Applications - Jan van Eyck Academie Residencies 2021
#JanvanEyckAcademie #Residency
More info:…
RT @WIRED: Cryptocurrency mining now uses more of Iceland's electricity than its homes. Photographer Lisa Barnard went inside the Icelandic…
RT @bernardionysius: Just published and open access: My article "Orientalism and Informatics: Alterity From the Chess-Playing Turk to Amazo…
Solar panels have a 30-year electronic life / up to 78 million metric tons of solar panels will have reached the en…
RT @FoundationNokia: One month to go. Nokia Foundation grants available for PhD students and postdoc researchers in the field of ICT.
@fadesingh I think zooming out, and theorizing helps to grasp larger issues.
”We shift between the Lab and the landscape, what happens in a Lab is repeated in the landscape...Images are labora…
”Logistics of perception is also a logistics of synthesis”, such a poetical film essay by @juspar & @croopier…
RT @CSAalto: Professori @jaakkolehtinen @hsfi'n haastattelussa: "Ganit ovat tekoälyn tutkimuksen kiintoisimpia tieteellisiä löydöksiä vuosi…
To understand Cloud evangelism one requires Cloud vocabularies—”The io2 volumes are designed to deliver 99.999 per…
Digital labor includes Maintenance & Care
Once again its Fall w/ ’Media and the Environment” course @AaltoARTS starts 7.9. with a range of topics from the so…
RT @juspar: Happy to announce that our video "Seed, Image, Ground", a collaboration with @croopier, is now launched and online: https://t.c…
RT @hardmaru: How does a university based researcher keep feeling relevant in this fast changing and compute driven field?
Some good discu…
RT @simone_natale: Here is the draft jacket copy of my forthcoming book "Deceitful Media: Artificial Intelligence and Social Life after the…