Member activity : Samir Bhowmik

RT @monica_bello: Happy #womenandgirlsinscience day!!
RT @mel_hogan: “"Mining" for the cryptocurrency is power-hungry, involving heavy computer calculations to verify transactions. Cambridge re…
RT @hollyjeanbuck: "Kolbert joins Document to moderate a roundtable discussion with David Keith, Kelly Wanser, and Holly Jean Buck, as they…
@poemproducer Thank you! Hope it makes sense. Also, if you are interested please attend this lecture series where I…
RT @jathansadowski: I would love to read more essays like this renouncing previously held techno-optimism views because confronting the re…
RT @fadesingh: Leslie Valiant's "ecorithm" may be the first genuinely new and exciting BIG idea about evolution I have seen in a long time.…
Thoughtful text about thinking and pervasive #ai ->>>What thought is good for? What is the place for thought in a f…
My new project looks at this, to question #ml and performance as also related to environmental justice and algorithmic bias
When the body is reduced to vector lines for ML consumption and training, what are we missing out?
Choreo-robotics. But I have my doubts...when the stereotype of dancers as servile bodies training industrial robots…
When your car drove itself back for a software update.... #Tesla
RT @FrankPasquale: "One hour of videoconferencing emits 150-1,000 grams of carbon dioxide, requires 2-12 liters of water and demands a land…
@poemproducer Then we have a virtual exhibition in April 2021 around this topic, with artworks. Last Fall, we had t…
@poemproducer We do have the course blog where the students document their research and artworks:
RT @wentale: @Samir_Bhowmik What about the digital dust / the tweets so small / no one notices / the email of 'thanks' / not needed. This d…
Unlike factories of the past, Data centers are sanitized spaces, dust being anathema to the digital, and yet the in…
Today we discuss in class how to do ”Dirt Research” for the Cloud, one example: Oteto-Pailos’s ”The Ethics of Dust”…
RT @mel_hogan: This article makes it sound like nobody has ever thought about this... “That’s not the case with the cloud. This infrastru…
RT @schock: Computer scientists trying to find a path to 'Ethical AI' but refusing to learn anything about white supremacy, heteropatriarch…
Four decades of ice loss for 650 of the largest glaciers across a 2000-km transect in the Himalayas..due to increas…
Glacier collapses with massive floods destroying hydroelectric powerplant in Northern India... this is tangible…
I guess Profs love their red meat- professor’s chops on sale in Hakaniemi market #Helsinki
Calling attention to climate emergency, Lapland town Salla launches parody bid for 2032 Summer Olympics…
RT @meejatheory: The Underground Division: Figurations of Timely Extraction
RT @janawinderen: Have a listen! - and a read of the @ScienceMagazine review of human impacts on marine soundscapes. Very happy to have c…
@ZaneGTCooper That is true. They are indeed dependent now. But you do see more and more stand-offs outside the US.…
@ZaneGTCooper Wonder if scaled-up, at some point in the distant future we will end up with techno-states, nations r…
@ZaneGTCooper Wow. East India Company Redux.