Member activity : Owen Kelly

RT @dailydot: 'Hamburger Hummus' is an infomercial for Israel in webseries form:
RT @stevesilberman: MT @mims @tcarmody "We replaced our executive chefs with a team of five year olds"
RT @1evilidiot: I used to have imaginary friends, now that I'm all grown up they're theoretical.
RT @GarretKramer: Pure insight. We're getting there. It's never how hard you work. It's the state of mind from which you work.…
RT @drvandanashiva: India has a 90% diff btwn what the farmer gets & what the consumer pays. 90% of food costs are illegitimate profits for…
The new @tweetbot Version 4 is the best Twitter client for the iPad I have ever used. It shows list properly and works properly with iOS9 :)
RT @janeruffino: Today in @sundaybusiness I wrote about selfie backlash, otherwise known as 'misogyny'.…
RT @iA: Maximum size of an efficient team: 6-7. We “increasingly underestimate task completion time as team size grows…”…
Half of all teachers in England threaten to quit as morale crashes
Today I realised that Dr Who, series 9, is on YLE’s Ruutu app in Finland. I just watched episode 1. Missy is a great character. Roll on Mon!
When #PocketInformant 5 arrives I will use it for all my project planning, as well as my tasks & events. I use it 9 times a day or more now!
@neoscenes I mentioned I-and-I at the time & suggested that Rastafarians had already nailed this issue :)
In the tunnel under Kulosaari metro station listening to reports about the @pixelache festival. Apparently I will be reportong in 10 mins.
Passion for freedom within sensible limits: a self-satirising exhibition
#LivingChatter The day is done. We met, chatted, ate, planned. We will meet again: on & offline. I am happy we did all we did. @pixelache
#LivingChatter Pekko: UKON is an advocacy group for utopian ideas
#LivingChatter Mia: paradigm shift. Let us all talk as us not as I.
#LivingChatter Could a Helsinki app help organise gatherings? Digitally rebootl talkoots!
#LivingChatter Joonas: what would a Helsinki app that starts with citizen participation do?
#LivingChatter Facebook is not a zerosum game. We use more than 1 bar, we socialise in more than 1 network. We build to attract peers.
#LivingChatter Frederico: we are sold algorhthms that drive sociality in 1 direction. Joonas: we need new funding models for tech we need
#LivingChatter Keynote leading into discussion of dividuality & social networks. Roll on @pixelache !
#LivingChatter is starting in 10 minutes. The team is already assembling at @ArcadaUAS. The thinking is about to start. Yay @pixelache!
#LivingChatter will be starting in 50 minutes. 10 people creating #UnexpectedHope in 1 day at @ArcadaUAS as part of @pixelache festival!
RT @MaxCRoser: Batman on how to fight crime..
Ambient Learning & Self Authorship! Anyone who still wishes to see my thesis defence from Friday will find it here:
World's oldest message in a bottle just found: A British scientific experiment from 1904 - 1906
My Doctoral Defence. You might, perhaps, find this interesting!
fall has arrived on Mars! Today's low is -63.0C and its expected high is -12.0C. The Curiosity Rover just told me this :)
According to Feedly… Rolf Harris. You might, perhaps, find this interesting!