Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @JoriEskolin: Suomessa on vapaa lehdistö.
Paitsi silloin, kun on liian kiire nuolla pomon persettä. #TolkunIhminen…
RT @domphillips: Brazil's infant mortality rate went up in 2016, a worrying setback for a country once praised for poverty reduction. My @g…
RT @torproject: Insurers and data brokers are predicting your health costs based on data about things like race, marital status, how much T…
RT @J_Bloodworth: No fucking comment
RT @die_Teja: This World Cup, except for a small hiccup by Pussy Riot in the final, went exactly the way Putin wants, made his country look…
RT @maurocezar: "o sistema tributário do Brasil é regressivo: quem tem mais paga menos. Os 10% mais pobres gastam cerca de 30% da renda com…
A destructive myth I found people still affected by in Brazil.
RT @EricHolthaus: It’s not difficult to see the Trump and Russia alliance as a deliberate attempt to delay action on climate change — and r…
RT @theintercept: Twitter has thus far not only failed to suspend @CarlosBolsonaro’s account for spreading a fake poster linking LGBT to pe…
RT @briarpatchmag: Did you know that in the 1920s, there were some 250,000 KKK members in Saskatchewan alone? Gord Hill, our resident antif…
RT @BRRN_Fed: Spread the word: Don't cross the digital picket line! -- Striking Amazon workers in Europe are asking to #boycott purchases f…
RT @ylehistoria: "Nyt menivät käsitykset uusiksi" – Kiinasta löytyi työkaluja ajalta, jolloin kaikkien ihmisten luultiin vielä eläneen Afri…
Kiroileva siili out, Kiroileva nainen in
RT @popeformosus: mate
RT @lauriojain: Tenhon vessasta yli vuosi sitten bongaamani tarra on tänään erittäin ajankohtainen.…
RT @torproject: Digital rights are human rights.
“At least you have to show that you know your rights and are ready to defend them." - @J…
RT @ernabodstrom: Tiesitkö, että Irakissa on ollut laajoja protesteja, internetyhteydet on katkaistu ja poliisi on ampunut mielenosoittaji…
RT @GreyCrossStudio: Captain says Italy, Malta aim to hide sea deaths
#Refugees #Italy #S…
RT @Survival: A crisis is looming for the Yanomami tribe. Previous outbreaks of diseases brought in by outsiders have decimated as much as…
RT @ShastaReports: On campaign trail, #Brazil presidential candidate @JairBolsonaro defends police who killed 19 landless peasants, some ex…
RT @sakripol: "Kun huusin, että tämäkö on lehdistönvapautta Suomessa, he kahlitsivat käteni ja jalkani ja laittoivat minut poliisiautoon, H…
RT @oypoolboy: elon musk buys a coffee
RT @tutamAW: Masha Gessen on the #PussyRiot protests at the #WorldCup2018 finals.
Their demands are simple: free all political prisoners…
RT @STTuutiset: Eilen Presidentinlinnan mediatilaisuudesta poistettu Sam Husseini STT:lle: Minut vietiin Presidentinlinnasta putkaan Töölöö…
RT @PrettyBadLefty:
RT @mustapipa: Ymmärrän hyvin, miksi Juha Sipilä pidetään jossakin kellarissa piilossa valtiovierailujen aikaan, koska olisihan se noloa, j…
RT @TerhiHeinila: Hienoa! Myös @Lakimiesliitto vaatii: Seksuaalirikoksia koskeva lainsäädäntö tulee uudistaa. Vaatimuksen taustalla raiskau…
RT @lizardluvr69: a new gender, one which is intangible and brings an eerie fear into the hearts of strangers.
RT @nosfe: Lol