Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @marsusanoo: eihän tämä nyt helvetti voi olla todellista.
RT @jasonintrator: Jair Bolsonaro today announced on Twitter the end of public funding for departments of Philosophy and Sociology; Brazili…
RT @Jonny_Dodds: "Can I speak to your manager please?" "I AM the manager"
RT @nocoupinBrazil: Indigenous rights are under serious threat in Brazil. Let them know you stand with them at @ApibOficial #ATL2019 #te…
RT @evacide: Who uses Slack all the time to talk about sensitive projects? Journalists and activists. Who knows this? Nation state actors.…
RT @filosofemas: Brazilian Government To Defund Philosophy in Public Universities
RT @TuominenLinnea: Ihmisestä voi yrittää tehdä koneen osan, mutta onhan se ihan helvetin huono idea.
RT @Survival: NOW - protests outside Health Ministry in Brasilia, filmed by @Survival's @SarahDeeSvl. Paramilitary police blocking entrance…
RT @cris_aint_br: Some people are confortable to be punk only in first world countries: @DeadKennedys cancelled shows in Brazil because of…
RT @emicida: Salve, rapa! Ceis tão ligados que os catadores coletam 90% de tudo que o país recicla? E com o app Cataki ce chama os catadore…
RT @gabrieldread: Ciência colonialista, a thread
RT @Info_Activism: The Netflix-Twitter Complex An anatomy of a corporate smokescreen
RT @ruckusandstupor: Tämä ei tiedä muuta kuin ympäristön ja muunlajisten eläinten tuhoamisen jatkumoa ainakin seuraavat neljä vuotta. #kepu…
RT @fredmelopaiva: Os Dead Kennedys arregaram (Jello Biafra, o que diria?) mas os Garotos Podres, que abrem os shows em SP, Rio e Brasília,…
So twitter is like a plane: it has a business class and an economy class. The business class has its own rules. It…
World. Get rid of monsters in power. It's hard, but we have to believe it's possible, right?
So Trump needs a fucking magic marker to sign a document or what in earth is that thing?
RT @spectatorindex: VIDEO: Three professional Japanese footballers play against one hundred children.
RT @ciminacional: O 15º Acampamento Terra Livre chega ao fim. Cerca de 4 mil indígenas, de 22 estados, começam a regressar às aldeias para…
RT @MSQsto: @roedvin @Dimmu141 Vaeltavasta kohdusta puhuttiin huolestunutta höpöhöpöä entisaikaan, mutta kyllä noi harhailevat kyrvät on ai…
Media mee jo ittees Persujen suhteen tai hajoa tyhjyytees!
RT @joonasleh: Erikoinen tää puhetapa, että persut ”pelattiin ulos hallituksesta”. Jos vaalien voittajapuolue haluaa ottaa ilmastoasiat hal…
RT @abcnews: These Indigenous doctors have a vision for change. 'Blatant racism' is just one challenge they face
RT @ApibOficial: As mulheres indígenas são força e resistência! 📸: Kamikia Kisedje #atl2019 #terralivre #direitosindigenas…
RT @vikingstid: Katujaaritteluun erikoistunut identiteettiliike eli Proust Boys
@apaatti Mulla oli jossain vaiheessa toistuva painajainen valtavista matkustajakoneista, jotka mätsää kuvauksen kanssa.