Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @BRRN_Fed: The self-declared president of Venezuela says in an interview he does not rule out inviting his backers, the US, to intervene…
RT @cris_aint_br: Twitter bane usuário que reagiu a ataque de racismo. Twitter bans user for reacting to racist attack.…
RT @AnandWrites: The best corporate social responsibility is to stop lobbying against the public interest. @dgelles gives a boost to the i…
RT @MuseWendi: remember a while back when i tweeted about far-right ex-feminist darling sara winter who had just gotten fairly neutral, if…
RT @DidrikSoderlind: Jorda skjelver under konspirasjonskongen Alex Jones nå. Forretningsideen med å trakassere familier i sorg for å selge…
RT @luizaprado: This is a direct result of Gov. Witzel's & Minister Moro's murderous policies. There will likely be no consequences for the…
RT @classiclib3ral: Someone needs to ask Trump what he thinks about Hitler. There's no way the answer won't be hilarious
“The environmental management of our state continues to be focused on the G.D.P. index, on mining interests,” [Mar…
Content warning : police violence, shooting, death . . . . . . . . . .
RT @PatoCorporation: Segundo Jair Bolsonaro, seus filhos e seu chanceler, "refugiado é a escória do mundo". Quem votou em Bolsonaro não é…
@KoomikkoKivi @Jocka @paularisikko Jep. Voisiko edes pliis, pliis tässä suvivirsiasiassa kohdistaa kritiikin oikeaa…
RT @benjamingedan: The boilerplate "biggest migration crisis in recent Latin America history" does not capture the scale of #Venezuela's tr…
RT @newscientist: Game theory says Brexit negotiations are now all about avoiding blame
RT @BrasilWire: In April 2018 the BBC was openly normalising Brazilian Neo-Nazis as "snappy dressing young conservatives". Now they are in…
Content warning : police violence, shooting, death . . . . . . . . . .
RT @drvox: What's most surreal to me about the climate conversation is that almost no one is talking or acting like it's real - even the pe…
RT @devlforgemaster: There was once a Tumblr post saying how these three videos felt like three separate character introductions within the…
RT @TiinaMattanen: Suomeksi: Minä olen kykenemätön virheisiin, mutta kyllä YK:n ihmisoikeuskomiteassa on tapahtunut jonkinlainen väärinymmä…
RT @bova_gus: Native American protesters marched to the National Butterfly Center in South Texas this morning to protest border wall constr…
RT @DimitriQvintus: Pj-paneelin kovimmat aplodit sai Työttömien keskusjärjestön puheenjohtaja, joka sanoi Jussi Halla-aholle: ”Toivon, et…
RT @karhumestari: Muistakaa ensi vaaleissa että kokoomus huusi naama punaisena että ei hoitajamitoitusta lakiin. Muistakaa jooko. https://t…
RT @FirstArai: Never overlook the power of 1! @GretaThunberg sat solo too, and that is how this all began. @vanessadantes1 has been striki…
RT @sampokoistinen: Extinction Rebellion Finlandin pk-seudun miitti tulossa
RT @AzadiRojava: YJŞ fighter Arîn Şengal who died in an accident on February 7 is burried in Şengal. She is one of the Ezidi girls who was…
RT @EcocityLisboa: #SchoolStrike4Climate happening Friday March 15th in Portugal cities: Lisboa, Porto, Coimbra Following @GretaThunberg's…
RT @kaikkitalkoot: vedenpuutetalkoot
RT @airplanerpart2: gatos são os donos da internet e eu tenho como provar
RT @mjmountain: @GeorgeMonbiot Benefit cheats = Scum of the earth Tax dodgers = lovable rogues And yet we lose way more money to Tax avoid…
RT @maailmanet: Tuore raportti kritisoi ihmisoikeusjärjestö Amnestyn työkulttuuria ”toksiseksi”. Järjestön kansainvälistä sihteeristöä käsi…