Member activity : John W. Fail

RT @jaywbabcock: Royal Trux reunion set list
@giles_bailey I miss you, though. let's do some weird creative thing together again
@giles_bailey it's not true. I'm in Helsinki, not Tampere, and also I don't know what thugga is
@giles_bailey I can tell you what you'd like to hear, baby
Find this, Americans, and get it into your bones
I don't think Superchunk ever wrote a song as perfect as 'Detroit Has a Skyline'.
I'm co-organising this, which I think is the best thing I've ever been part of (and it hasn't even happened yet).
Reading about post-stroke Chris Knox is absolutely heartbreaking.
The best thing about mistakes is repeating them!
Riga is beautiful in the sunlight; not the rainy grey drudgery I usually associate with it.
Slavoj Žižek on Greece: This is a chance for Europe to awaken
My hometown (and my old neighborhood, almost) profiled today in the Guardian:
@alexstubb Debt forgiveness would be an easy and morally just solution
It feels like ages since an election has gone the way I wanted it to.
Hoping my Greek friends chose hope over fear today, but fear always wins, so I doubt we'll see any major changes.
Greece's mass psychology of revolt will survive the financial carpet-bombing
Amartya Sen: The economic consequences of austerity
RT @SUCHHELSINKI: Finland: again in the wrong side of history with Germany.
@rawkode Whoa, you use a Mac now?
You better shave half your face at a time #MaelSupremacy
'Serial' (the 1980 Martin Mull film, not the podcast) is a hell of a trip down America's cultural backlash memory lane.
Is lasercutting the new puff paint?
Let us enjoy our annual visit with a dog eating a burrito in one second: