Demonstration by Kitchen Budapest live coding team..
Kitchen Budapest (HU) is a new media lab for young researchers who are interested in the convergence of mobile communication, online communities and urban space and are passionate about creating experimental projects in cross-disciplinary teams.
What happens to the net once it meets the urban space? How does private space relate to the saturating wireless networks? Where does user created content gain authority? How does our use of cities alter as we get more and more real time feedback of its dynamics? What makes a home smart? Street-smart? We would like to rethink and remix the possibilities of new media in our everyday lives and to augment connections between new technologies and our society.
What happens to the net once it meets the urban space? How does private space relate to the saturating wireless networks? Where does user created content gain authority? How does our use of cities alter as we get more and more real time feedback of its dynamics? What makes a home smart? Street-smart? We would like to rethink and remix the possibilities of new media in our everyday lives and to augment connections between new technologies and our society.